integral learning GmbHMenu

Our solutions

Our platform offers the tools for using, creating and sharing high quality math learning material

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From small units to complete courses

Our platform offers the tools for using, creating and sharing high quality math learning material.

We offer material that can be used from small learning units to entire courses. Designed for active learning, our material motivates students through interactive visualizations, individualised problems, automated correction and meaningful feedback.

Use our Pool to search for readily available material that can be integrated easily into standard LMSs like Moodle.

With our authoring tool WebMiau, content can be easily created and incorporated into your own learning material, promoting a seamless learning experience.


To share and exchange curated learning material

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Large selection of math problems

Our Pool offers a vast selection of free mathematical problems and advanced visualizations from various fields like calculus, analysis, linear algebra, probability and statistics.

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Find appropriate content

One can find suitable problems within the Pool by applying filters based on subject, language, level of difficulty and objective. These problems can then be seamlessly integrated into courses, either individually or as part of a worksheet.

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Import learning material into your local LMS

Individual problems and worksheets with a set of problems can easily be imported into your local LMS, such as Moodle, Ilias or StudIP.

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Add your own learning material into the Pool

With our web-based authoring tool, WebMiau, you can publish any kind of MUMIE learning material to the Pool.

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Editing of learning material locally

Have you found learning material you would like to use, but want to make some small changes to it? Make use of our editor, which is directly integrated into the pool.

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Preview of learning material

You can load a “live example” of the listed content, where you can try it hands-on yourself. Alternatively, screenshots offer a quick way to view any problem in the Pool.

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From small learning units to entire courses

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Interactive visualizations

Interactive visualizations are instrumental for explorative and active learning and to deepen understanding of abstract concepts. A notable aspect is that mathematical entities can be seamlessly incorporated in both textual and graphical formats while remaining synchronized.

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Training environments

Through randomized parameters many variants of the same problem can be generated. Instantaneous correction and feedback make the training environments very effective.

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Elaborate feedback

Comprehensive feedback is a cornerstone of effective learning and teaching. Authors can integrate specific feedback directly into the problem based on user input.

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Automated corrections

Our correction tools are capable of handling mathematical expressions in any format and can check numbers and functions to any kind of precision. They can verify the presence or absence of specific symbols and support a wide variety of problem types, from multiple choice to graphical input.

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Personalized learning experience

You can offer your students personalized versions of their homework assignments, practice problems and exam questions. Each problem may either be randomly selected from a set of similar problems or provided as a variant of a problem with randomized parameters.

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Individual learning paths

Questions can be organized into a hierarchical tree structure, allowing students to navigate and select their own learning paths according to their individual preferences and learning needs.

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Chat support

Courses can be enhanced with the support of tutors who provide additional guidance and assistance to students. These tutors can help clarify concepts, offer personalized feedback and address individual questions or difficulties that students may encounter during the course. This additional layer of support fosters a more interactive and responsive learning environment, enabling students to deepen their understanding and improve their performance.

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Certificates upon completing certain thresholds

Certificates are awarded when students achieve specific thresholds set by course authors, based on their performance in final exams linked to each chapter.

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Customize course and worksheet parameters

Problems and worksheets within MUMIE courses can be customized by lecturers, including setting parameters like deadlines, visibility and scores. This flexibility enables educators to adapt the learning experience to specific educational needs and schedules, enhancing the effectiveness of course delivery.

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Learning nuggets for special fields

Special learning units, or "nuggets," cover key mathematical areas including linear algebra, calculus and statistics. Many of these units feature interactive graphical elements to enhance the learning experience.

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LMS Integration

Integrate material into Moodle, StudIP, ILIAS

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Connect your LMS with the Pool or MUMIE using our plugin

Using our plugin, you can seamlessly integrate the learning material from the Pool or MUMIE into your LMS (Moodle, ILIAS or StudIP). The plugin uses xAPI standards and handles single sign-on from your LMS into our Pool.

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Integrate problems and worksheets from the Pool

You can choose individual problems and worksheets from the Pool and import them into your local LMS, where it can be further configured to suit your needs.

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Synchronization of grades

Student grades from Pool or MUMIE problems are automatically synchronized and displayed in the gradebook of your local LMS.

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Configure problems within your local LMS

Problems and worksheets can also be customized in your local LMS. For example, it is possible to configure the settings for the grade to pass, the maximum points and the deadline.

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Authoring Tool

Create, edit and publish learning material using WebMiau

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Web-based authoring tool

Our web-based authoring tool, WebMiau, features three distinct sections. The left pane for navigating available content, worksheets and courses. The middle one is dedicated to the editing of source code. And the right pane is where you can trigger previews based on your source code (not visible in this screenshot).

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Collaborative editing

Collaborative working on learning units is in many cases much more efficient. Our online authoring tool makes this easily possible.

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Preview on demand

On-demand verification is a key feature of our authoring tool. As an author, you can test all functionalities directly within the tool. This includes viewing visualizations, solving problems you've just written or edited and receiving immediate corrections.

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Extended LaTeX with authoring support

The source code for learning material is written in LaTeX, enhanced with features for dynamic problems and visualizations. Furthermore, WebMiau provides tools for developing content, such as publishing, saving a new version, reverting to a previous version and viewing the text in specific languages only.

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Supports versioning and file backup

Our platform includes a powerful version history tool that allows authors to effectively manage revisions. This feature enables users to compare different versions of a document side-by-side, clearly highlighting differences. Additionally, it provides detailed information about who made specific changes, ensuring complete transparency and facilitating collaboration among multiple contributors.

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Assistance in debugging errors

For effective debugging of parametrized problems or other learning material, it's crucial to understand the specific values of the randomized variables involved. To facilitate this, you can incorporate a command into the source code that displays these values in the preview. This feature ensures you can track and verify the dynamic elements of your content accurately during development.

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Access to templates and examples

To write new content quickly and ensure it is syntactically correct, WebMiau provides templates for the most common types of content, such as problems. Furthermore, it provides access to a wide range of example files that cover typical scenarios for writing content.

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Support for QA

The authoring tool WebMiau supports quality assurance. Authors can assign a document for review to another person in the team. This person checks the document, adds comments and returns it to the author. The document can assume different statuses/.

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To share and exchange curated learning material


From small learning units to entire courses

LMS Integration

Integrate material into Moodle, StudIP, ILIAS

Authoring Tool

Create, edit and publish learning material using WebMiau

Large selection of math problems

Our Pool offers a vast selection of free mathematical problems and advanced visualizations from various fields like calculus, analysis, linear algebra, probability and statistics.

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Find appropriate content

One can find suitable problems within the Pool by applying filters based on subject, language, level of difficulty and objective. These problems can then be seamlessly integrated into courses, either individually or as part of a worksheet.

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Import learning material into your local LMS

Individual problems and worksheets with a set of problems can easily be imported into your local LMS, such as Moodle, Ilias or StudIP.

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Add your own learning material into the Pool

With our web-based authoring tool, WebMiau, you can publish any kind of MUMIE learning material to the Pool.

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Editing of learning material locally

Have you found learning material you would like to use, but want to make some small changes to it? Make use of our editor, which is directly integrated into the pool.

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Preview of learning material

You can load a “live example” of the listed content, where you can try it hands-on yourself. Alternatively, screenshots offer a quick way to view any problem in the Pool.

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integral learning GmbH


Fasanenstr. 85 D-10623 Berlin Phone: +49 172 302 06 97


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Wiki: Guides for the communityDemo course: Showcase didactical features